Hello Father Bressani Eagles! We are the Sick Kids Committee, a group which is fighting for the future of fearless children. Together, we wanted to make a change that would improve the lives of children staying at Sick Kids, and provide an opportunity for students to engage with others in a safe manner. Earlier this month we started a fundraiser to purchase gift cards for the frontline staff at Sick Children’s Hospital. We are very proud to announce that our online fundraising event, “Spreading Kindness to Frontline Workers”, exceeded our expectations. We surpassed our initial goal of $1,000, and raised a grand total of $1,395! We would like to thank all those who have been so generous and donated because each donation helped to put a smile on someone’s face through these tough times. In addition, McDonald’s has donated many coupons to be sent to front line workers on behalf of Father Bressani. Thank you Father Bressani!
Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, @fbsickkidscommittee, for other fun opportunities for you to give back and engage with your fellow students! We wish all the staff, students and parents a part of the Father Bressani community a safe and well-deserved summer break!