Current Members 2023-2024
Name | Position |
Agnese Cornacchione-Brown | Chair |
Cosimina Cestra | Co Vice-Chair |
Diana Fiorucci | Co-Vice-Chair |
Sandy Carvalho | Co-Secretary |
Barbara Parisotto | Co-Secretary |
Mayra Mosquera | OAPCE Rep |
Andrea Telfer | Treasurer/YPIC Rep |
Keith Barnes | Member at Large |
Tony Corrado | Member at Large |
Natalie Di Donato | Member at Large |
Francesca Di Fazio | Member at Large |
Joanne Latobesi | Member at Large |
Nelly Longobardi | Member at Large |
Sabrina Onorati | Member at Large |
Marisa Petrielli | Member at Large |
Lucy Qaqish
Jerry Qaqish |
Member at Large
Member at Large |
Fr. Eugene Chianain | Parish Council |
TBD | Parish Community Rep |
TBD | Student Rep |
Claudia Campoli | Teacher Rep |
Ed Lavor, Principal | Admin Rep |
Dishni Kiriella, Vice Principal | Admin Rep |
Dina Monaco, Vice Principal | Admin Rep |
Luca Savo, Vice Principal | Admin Rep |
How to Become a Member
The Catholic School Advisory Council provides important contributions on many school issues. Parents of our school are invited to join us on the Executive of our Council. These positions are for a one year term starting September of each year. Parents or guardians who are separate school supporters and who have students enrolled at Father Bressani may be elected as Parent Representatives on the School Council.
To become a member:
- You must complete a Nomination Form (posted in our June Newsletter at the end of each school year).
- Meeting is called in September.
- Elections are held.
The school community votes for their members and they are elected.