Category: General

Guidance Virtual drop in visits for our Feeder Schools

This year, the Father Bressani Guidance Team is happy to provide virtual Course Selection help for elementary feeder school Grade 8 students and Grade 8 teachers. We realize that this year presents some very unique challenges for our incoming grade 9 students and want to make sure that we are here to help them navigate the course selection process. ... Continue reading "Guidance Virtual drop in visits for our Feeder Schools"

Grade 9 Visual Arts student portfolios

Congratulations Ms. D’Amato’s quad 1, Grade 9 Visual Arts students for their dedication and creativity.  Their daily commitment and energy during these challenging times deserves our admiration.  Thank you for taking the time to visit their museums by clicking this LINK.

2020-21 Catholic School Council Update-REVISED

Thank you to those community members who have expressed interest in being part of the Father Bressani CHS Catholic School Council.  All positions have been acclaimed.  A CSC meeting will take place on October 21st at 7pm via Google Meet for newly acclaimed members.  The link will be shared via email on October 20th to the newly appointed members.  The first school community meeting will ... Continue reading "2020-21 Catholic School Council Update-REVISED"