Category: General

Welcome back to the 2020-2021 school year.

We continue to work with our stakeholders, including the Ministry of Education and York Region Public Health, to ensure a safe return to school. 

If you have questions about the York Catholic District School Board’s school re-entry plan, visit to read the full plan, answers to our frequently asked questions, access parent resources and more.

YCDSB secondary schools ... Continue reading "Welcome back to the 2020-2021 school year."

Principal Communication

We hope you had a great summer and are looking forward to the return to school.  Whether you selected remote learning or face to face learning, please expect ongoing and regular communication over the next few weeks as we prepare to implement all of the changes to our procedures,  protocols and practices as we work to keep our entire school community safe.  All of the ... Continue reading "Principal Communication"


In an effort to continue to enhance the customer experience and also under the direction from the Provincial Government, the DGN Kilters retail stores will be implementing an Appointment Booking Model effective upon the re-opening of our stores in July.

As they prepare to reopen their stores, the health and well-being of their customers remain their top priority. All DGN Kilters stores are ... Continue reading "DGN KILTERS UNIFORM 2020 – APPOINTMENT BOOKING"