Category: General

Father Bressani CHS Student Creates Website to Connect Youth to Volunteer Opportunities.

“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.” Oscar Wilde. Volunteering is among the most selfless things we can do. To volunteer means to freely offer or take part in doing something such as helping others in need. With that said, taking time out of our hectic daily schedules can be very compromising. 

In late 2018 I had a ... Continue reading "Father Bressani CHS Student Creates Website to Connect Youth to Volunteer Opportunities."

Building and Supporting our AP community

In March, our Grade 9 AP students will be participating in an information session that will help them become familiar with AP at Father Bressani and the benefits of this program.  Students will be creating an AP account with the College Board and will be shown how to navigate this platform so that they can become familiar with the resources and information they can use ... Continue reading "Building and Supporting our AP community"

Course Selection Prep at Father Bressani

February 2020 is set to be an exciting month! In the Guidance Department, we have planned Course Selection Presentations for our students currently in grades 9, 10 and 11. The presentations will take place during Period 1 on Tuesday February 11th for our Grade 11 students, Wednesday February 12th for our Grade 10 students and Thursday February 13th for our Grade 9 students. Students will ... Continue reading "Course Selection Prep at Father Bressani"