Category: General

Exams are coming! Study Help Site Launched to Help Manage Workload

Exams are coming! Many students feel the extra stress as their final assignment deadlines draw near and their exams loom in the not-so-distant future. The best strategy to cope? Proactivity.

The YCDSB has launched its Study Help Website to assist students with the extra workload they feel during this time of year and to be proactive when starting their exam preparation. The site ... Continue reading "Exams are coming! Study Help Site Launched to Help Manage Workload"

Report Cards and Parent-Teacher Interviews

Parents and Guardians:  Report Cards will be distributed this Friday, November 8th.  Please review and discuss your child’s report card with them.  Included with the report card will be a letter which outlines how to book an interview with your child’s teachers.

Parent-Teacher Interviews will take place on Wednesday, November 13th from 3:30-5:00 pm and 6:30-8:30 pm.  Parent teacher interviews are an excellent ... Continue reading "Report Cards and Parent-Teacher Interviews"

Policy 311: Digital Discipline: Student Use of Technology

Effective November 4, 2019, the Provincial Code of Conduct has been updated to address the use of cellphones and other personal mobile devices as outlined in PPM128.  These revisions are designed to restrict the use of all personal mobile devices during instructional time in secondary classrooms in order to prevent distractions and maximize learning time.

Personal mobile devices can be used during instructional ... Continue reading "Policy 311: Digital Discipline: Student Use of Technology"

Father Bressani Gr. 8 Open House: Thursday, November 7th, 2019

On Thursday November 7th, 2019, Father Bressani CHS will be hosting it’s Grade 8 Open House from 7pm to 9 pm.  All grade 8 families are invited to attend this event where they will have the opportunity to  explore the school, speak to staff and students and learn about specialty programs such as Advanced Placement (AP) and French Immersion.  The evening will commence with a ... Continue reading "Father Bressani Gr. 8 Open House: Thursday, November 7th, 2019"