Category: General
AP Prep Acceptances
Please note that all AP-Prep applications received by the deadline of January 14th are in the process of being reviewed.
The school will be sending out acceptances notifications beginning Monday, January 24, 2022 and continuing throughout the week.
We look forward to having you join us this Fall as part of the Class of 2026!
Need Phys. Ed Uniform Items?
For those students who are in need of a Phys. Ed uniform, please note that our new provider is DGN Kilters. Purchase can be made online or in person. Please see the poster for details.
Parent Engagement Evening on Mental Health with Sam Fiorella
On Wednesday, January 26th, 2022, Father Bressani CHS and Catholic School Council invite you to attend a Parent Engagement evening with Sam Fiorella focusing on mental health. Sam Fiorella began his public speaking career on stages around the globe as an author and entrepreneur focused on helping young business owners better leverage digital and social media technologies. After the loss of his teenage son in ... Continue reading "Parent Engagement Evening on Mental Health with Sam Fiorella"