Category: General

Revised Procedures for Submitting AP Applications

The deadline for submission of applications to the AP-Prep Program at Father Bressani CHS is January 14, 2022.

In light of the recent decision to close schools until January 17th, as of Wednesday January 5, 2022 there will be a locked drop box outside of the main entrance to the school for applications.

If you have any questions please contact the ... Continue reading "Revised Procedures for Submitting AP Applications"

Prinicipal Communication – Toy Drive Update

Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students:

On December 10th, 2021 we concluded Father Bressani’s 3rd Annual Toy Drive in support of the City of Vaughan and CP24 Christmas Wish.  I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your generosity. With your bountiful support, we were once again able to donate over 1000 toys. Your actions are an ideal example of the fulfillment ... Continue reading "Prinicipal Communication – Toy Drive Update"

AP Data Management and Statistics Course Being Piloted at Father Bressani

Father Bressani CHS is happy to announce that we will be piloting an Advanced Placement Mathematics Course in Data Management and Statistics  (MDM4UY) for the 2022-2023 Academic Year.

The rationale for doing so is as follows: