Category: General

Thoughts from our Chaplain Mrs. DiNardo

For years to come, graduating students from around the world will be talking about their milestone graduation, virtually.  Usually grade 12 students are excited to hear from universities or colleges regarding acceptance.  Some other grade 12 students want to develop a trade and begin their life in the workforce.  Many Fr. Bressani students were happy that their last bit of high school was coming

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Congratulations to Father Bressani student on being elected to YCDSB Trustee

Alessandro Casbarro is 15 years old and is a Father Bressani CHS Student. In December of 2018 he co-founded the Vaughan Youth Food Drive which raised 16,000 pounds of food for the Vaughan Food Bank. That initiative led him to receive a 2018 Vaughan Volunteer Recognition Award. Caritas School of Life Mental Health and Addictions Centre is near and dear to Alessandro’s heart. Through their ... Continue reading "Congratulations to Father Bressani student on being elected to YCDSB Trustee"